Saturday, January 8, 2011

SLIS at SJSU and Playoff Weekend

You can see Nickleby on the futon, and the red pillow on the floor with the laptop
on the coffee table. He's not working too hard, huh?

A new year has begun; what better way to get started than to begin graduate school? I'm beginning my coursework at San Jose State University (obviously completely online as I live in New England) and I couldn't be happier. So far, even before the official semester has begun, students are required to take LIBR 203: Online Social Networking: Technology and Tools. My first impressions? Very comprehensive, easy to understand, clear directions, and responsive instructors.

I've had an adjustment period getting used to the self-discipline portion. I kept trying to work at the dining room table, but soon realized this was a hub of poodle activity, and cooking, and everything else that goes on here! Now I'm comfortably set up in my study, on a coffee table with a floor chair, a few lit candles, yoga meditation music playing in the background, poodles snoozing behind me on the futon, and all the world is good.

Had a bit of delay when mom headed to the hospital Thursday night. I took off Friday from work to be at her bedside. Luckily, she is recovering nicely and on her way home this afternoon.

Looking forward to the playoffs this weekend, so I need to get some more schoolwork done! I'm routing for Seattle (where I used to live) to beat New Orleans, but I don't think it will happen. Then I'm picking the Jets over the Colts, just because I'm no fan of Indianapolis and Peyton Manning. But to be honest, the way the Jets trash talk the Patriots, they're not my best option either. Tomorrow, I'm picking Kansas City over the Ravens, and Philly over Green Bay. Are you ready for some football?! I am!

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