Thursday, November 15, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

Red Sox Go To World Series!

Last night, again, close to the wee hours of the morning, the Red Sox made history by coming from behind in the ALCS with Cleveland. The Sox were down 3-1 as they entered last night's game. A nail biter until the final innings, Cleveland looked like they'd catch up with the score 3-2. The combination of Masuzaka, Okajima, and Papelbon allowed the Indians only those two runs. Our offense exploded with Rookie talent. Pedroia, my personal hero, slammed a homer, then hit a three-run double. Youkilis banged a two-run drive off the giant Coke bottle - my personal favorite moment. The 2007 ALCS Champs will head to the World Series on Wednesday to face the Colorado Rockies.
While I'm delighted, this hoarse, bleary-eyed fan really needs some rest. I guess I'll have to catch up with sleep Monday and Tuesday, 'cause I won't be missing this final series of the season.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007


The holiday draws nearer....
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451, the New Hampshire Big Read title for October 2007, has moved me, but I didn't enjoy the experience. The images portrayed were disturbing, (as, I'm sure, Bradbury intended) but its message was one of hope at the novel's end.

Bradbury noted that the mechanical hound was modeled after the hound in Conan-Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles. For me this hound was more frightening in it's technological intensity and complexity. The Baskervilles hound was demonic, but ALIVE.

I didn't like the disappearance of Clarice and kept expecting her to show up as she did in the movie, and in the movie I kept wondering what the connection between Clarice and Mildred was - as they were both played by Julie Christie. Bradbury stated that this was a mistake made by the director.

Today's world mirrored the novel's disturbing futuristic society - television dependence, bombardment of media and images, a lack of interest in reading...

Fast-paced, frightening, but ultimately hopeful.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

On Meadowview Street

So many picture books are trite, pedantic, or just...duh. This charming book excites readers with darling artwork, and a meaty story.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Poodles in Autumn

As Sylvia and I near the conclusion of our editing process for our new book about our poodle Josie's first year, the air is crisp and apples and red leaves litter the roadside here in New Hampshire. We hope to publish the book within the year,

Next on the horizon? The book about Standard Poodle Nickleby and his shenanigans.

Watch out publishing world!! Here comes Josie the red standard poodle!!!