Monday, October 8, 2007

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451, the New Hampshire Big Read title for October 2007, has moved me, but I didn't enjoy the experience. The images portrayed were disturbing, (as, I'm sure, Bradbury intended) but its message was one of hope at the novel's end.

Bradbury noted that the mechanical hound was modeled after the hound in Conan-Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles. For me this hound was more frightening in it's technological intensity and complexity. The Baskervilles hound was demonic, but ALIVE.

I didn't like the disappearance of Clarice and kept expecting her to show up as she did in the movie, and in the movie I kept wondering what the connection between Clarice and Mildred was - as they were both played by Julie Christie. Bradbury stated that this was a mistake made by the director.

Today's world mirrored the novel's disturbing futuristic society - television dependence, bombardment of media and images, a lack of interest in reading...

Fast-paced, frightening, but ultimately hopeful.

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